Vikendi-wip 7
Adriatic Sea
Snow forest
Snow, Mountainous, Sea
Game modes:
PC, Xbox One, PS4 & Mobile
An isolated Northern resort island

Vikendi (Croatian: Dihor Otok) (Codename: Dihorotok) is the 4th playable map that is in the works for BATTLEGROUNDS, Vikendi is a 6x6 island on the Adriatic Sea.

Development on this map began sometime in 2017,[1] map was teased on June 10th, 2018 in the 'Microsoft E3 2018 conference' video.[2] PUBG Corp attended the The Game Awards (2018) and had a World Premier CGI trailer of Vikendi, later that night Vikendi became playable on the Test Server client, and later that month, on December 19th, Vikendi became available on the live client on PC. Vikendi was released on January 22nd for Xbox One and PS4.



An isolated Northern resort island in the shadow of Mount Kreznic, Vikendi was home to a wide variety of attractions, businesses and villages. Vikendi is enveloped in dense/thick forest and another aspect of the island is its warm Mediterranean coastline and snowy mountains in the central area of the map [3] [4]. Tourists can look to the future from the Cosomodrome, travel back to the past and walk with the giants at the prehistoric Dino Park, visit the aging Castle or even take a tour of the winery. Vikendi is as beautiful as it is dangerous and Survivors treading these bitter cold lands will have to watch their backs even more closely, as the fresh snow is perfect for leaving behind footprints! With snow and the footprints that you leave behind or other players leave behind, the hunter becomes the hunted. The days are long on Vikendi, but it won’t be long before the sun sets and the auroras fill the moonlit skies.

The map is inspired by Slovenia to create the visual design of the map [5].

Update history

Update #40 (Season 7 - Update 7.1)

Vikendi Update (3/5/20)

At the beginning of Season 6, we announced that Vikendi was going on a little vacation while we debuted Karakin. Since then, we've given some of Vikendi's landmarks a revamp, modifying terrain, towns, weather, updating Dinopark, and adding new trains that travel around the map! We want to hear what you think about the changes and also collect your feedback early while we apply the final coats of paint to our icy Battleground, so we're giving you the opportunity to playtest the new map early with help from our official PUBG Partners! [6]

  • Key Map Changes
    • New railroads and trains have been added across Vikendi
    • A large portion of Vikendi's snow has been removed or reduced
    • Dinopark has been expanded to Dinoland
    • Modified towns and terrain.
      • Dinoland
      • Abbey relocated to Mount Kreznic
      • Removed: Tovar, Movatra

Update #35 (Season 5 - Update 5.2) - vN/A Vikendi Update

We love a good Sniper's Duel. With that in mind we've done a clean up of Vikendi to make it more appealing to the Long Gun Hunters in our midst. More vehicles will be appearing on the map to help you lead foot it through the winter wastes, but be on the lookout for Spike Traps in those snow covered hills or the landslide will bring you down.

  • Improved terrain.
    • New roads have been added to reduce the difficulty of moving through certain snow-covered areas of Vikendi.
    • Along with the roads added, the amount of vehicles across the map have increased and locations adjusted.
    • A cold front has moved in and the river around Castle has frozen over to allow you to navigate that area more easily.
    • Located at the center of Vikendi, Mount Kreznic consists of various terrain types which are difficult to navigate, due to how steep the mountain is. To improve this, the overall height of the mountain has been lowered. Yes, we shrunk the mountain, but just a bit.
    • Vikendi terrain in many areas is very flat, making it difficult for players to hide or take cover when encountering enemies. To improve this, we've added more variance to terrain height in areas across the map.
  • Improved towns in Vikendi.
    • A few of Vikendi's towns were seldom visited due to complex structures or not enough loot. We've made some adjustments to the following areas:
      • Volnova has been reshaped in general. Major buildings and driving routes have been modified.
      • Item spawn counts in Peshkova have increased.
      • Garages where vehicles are spawned in Trevno have been relocated to allow easier escape after looting. So get to stepping.
    • Some buildings have been removed or replaced with different buildings to improve gameplay. The field of vision gained from high buildings has been adjusted, through structural changes.
  • Improved gameplay balance.
    • Blue Zone balance on Vikendi has been adjusted so that players can set up strategies using more varied routes.
      • The size of early safe zones has increased.
      • Speed of early Blue Zones has increased.
      • The size and speed of mid and late-game Blue Zones remain similar to previous updates.
      • The randomness of Blue Zone locations throughout the match has slightly increased.
    • To reflect player feedback on insufficient vehicle spawns on Vikendi, we've significantly increased the overall number of vehicle spawns.
    • The location of vehicle spawns has been modified in accordance to the new Blue Zone balance.

Pre-release #32 (Season 4 - Update 4.2) - vN/A

  • Vikendi Ambient Noise Adjustment
    • Volume of Vikendi's ambient wind noise has been reduced.

Pre-release #29 Vikendi 2nd Rebalance

  • Blue zone adjustments
  • To support a wider variety of gameplay experiences around Vikendi, the initial safe zone will now be placed in more varied locations and the waiting time between certain blue zone phases has been reduced.
    • Phase 1 safe zone now spawns in more varied locations.
    • Waiting time between early and late blue zone phases has been decreased slightly.
    • Overall match duration subsequently reduced by 1 minute and 30 seconds.
  • Vehicle spawn rate adjustment:
    • Vehicle spawn rate has been changed to facilitate the new blue zone settings.
      • Increased four-wheel drive vehicle spawn ratio in relation to Snowbikes and Snowmobiles.
  • Item spawn rate adjustment:
  • Adjusted weapon spawn rates to help facilitate more medium and long-range engagements. Adjustments to available attachments have also been made to offer players more options.
    • Adjustments to item spawns on Vikendi:
      • AR spawns increased by 1.4x.
      • DMR spawns increased by 2x.
      • SR spawns increased by 7x.
    • SMG, Shotgun, Pistol and Crossbow spawns have been decreased slightly.
    • Attachment spawns have been increased slightly.
    • High powered scope spawns have been increased slightly.
  • Cave balance adjustment:
    • Since the Secret Cave is no longer much of a secret, loot has been adjusted to balance it more closely other areas of Vikendi to improve the gameplay experience, while still offering good loot.
    • Care Packages will no-longer spawn in the cave.
      • High quality non-crate loot will still spawn in this location.
    • Increased variety of items spawned in the cave.
  • Item pool changes:
    • Added MK47 Mutant, Halfgrip, Thumbgrip and Laser Sight.
    • Removed Win94 and R45.
  • Increased Moonlight weather condition percentage.

Pre-Update #25 - vN/A

  • Vikendi - Optimized performance by modifying the number of footprints shown around the player.
  • The motorcycle will no longer spawn on Vikendi, got replaced for the Snow Bike.
  • Added Cave.
  • Added weapon PP-19 Bizon to the map.
  • Added new weather setting on Vikendi.
    • Moonlight: Although the setting is at night, the big glowing super moon and bright aurora borealis will help you to detect enemies.
  • Vikendi - Bluezone Modifications.
    • Bluezone will be generated further away from the center.
    • Damage of the last zone has been increased.
  • Vikendi - Item spawns have been modified.
    • Decreased the number of SMGs and increased the number of ARs.
  • Vikendi - Item spawns have been modified.

Pre-Update #24 - vN/A

  • Vikendi is 6x6km map. The gameplay of Vikendi is quicker than Erangel and Miramar, but offers an arguably more tactical experience than Sanhok.
  • Players can throw snowballs while waiting to board the plane in the starting area
  • Vehicles will be more slippery in snow or icy areas. Acceleration on icy terrain is slow and you lose more general vehicle control as you speed up
  • Footprints and vehicle tracks will appear as players travel in snow-covered areas. Keep an eye out! These are great to help identify if enemies have passed by recently
    • Keep in mind that footprints and tracks in the snow don’t stay around forever!

Official - 12/06/18 [7]

  • CGI trailer reveal of Vikendi at the The Game Awards 2018.

Official - 11/13/18 [8]

  • Map name "Vikendi" has been announced in the PS4 reveal announcement.

Datamined Leak - 9/19/18 [9]

  • Based on in-game files, Codename: Dihorotok is the codename for the map and "Vikendi" is the official map name.
    • Minimap/Heightmap also got leaked.

Internal testing - 2017 ~ 2018

  • The map originally was 8x8 but it's now a 6x6 map.
    • The map is “somewhere in between” Sanhok’s 4x4km and the previous maps 8x8km size. The 8x8km locations take “an inordinate amount of time” to get done. [10]


Vikendi is a map based on an isolated Northern resort island on the Adriatic Sea.


Vikendi being on the Adriatic Sea is contradicted by the fact that the entire coastline of the Adriatic Sea reaches a yearly minimum temperature of ~12 °C, way too far from the snow limit of 0 °C. The Slovenian and italian northern coast is also warm and mountainless, with the mountains rising deeper inland. A much more feasible place for an island like this would be the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, or the Barents Sea in spring or fall.


Graphical map -

Major cities

Minor cities

Major landmarks

Hidden areas


Vikendi features the following vehicles:

Vehicle Occupants Type
Snowmobile‎‎ 2 •• Land
Snow Bike 2 •• Land
Dacia 1300 4 •••• Land
UAZ (Open Top) 4 •••• Land
UAZ (Closed Top) 4 •••• Land
PG-117 5 ••••• Water
C-130 100 •••••••••• (x10) Air


Vikendi features the following weapons:

Icon weapon AUG A3 AUG A3
Icon weapon AWM AWM
Icon weapon M762 Beryl M762
Icon weapon Crossbow Crossbow
Icon weapon Deagle Deagle
Icon weapon Flare gun Flare Gun
Icon weapon G36C G36C
Icon weapon Groza Groza
Icon weapon Kar98k Karabiner 98 Kurz
Icon weapon M16A4 M16A4
Icon weapon M24 M24
Icon weapon Kar98k Karabiner 98 Kurz
Icon weapon M16A4 M16A4
Icon weapon M24 M24
Icon weapon M249 M249
Icon weapon HK416 M416
Icon weapon MP5K MP5K
Icon weapon UZI Micro UZI
Icon weapon Mini14 Mini 14
Icon weapon Mk14 Mk14 EBR
Icon weapon Mk47Mutant Mk47 Mutant
Icon weapon P18C P18C
Icon weapon M1911 P1911
Icon weapon Mk47Mutant Mk47 Mutant
Icon weapon P18C P18C
Icon weapon M1911 P1911
Icon weapon PP-19 Bizon PP-19 Bizon
Icon weapon Saiga12 S12K
Icon weapon Winchester S1897
Icon weapon Berreta686 S686
Icon weapon SKS SKS
Icon weapon SLR SLR
Icon weapon Skorpion Skorpion
Icon weapon Thompson Tommy Gun
Icon weapon UMP UMP45
Icon weapon Skorpion Skorpion
Icon weapon Thompson Tommy Gun
Icon weapon UMP UMP45
Icon weapon VSS VSS Vintorez
Icon weapon Vector 01 Vector


Dynamic weather? N/A

Map Vikendi has this type of weather;

  • Day
  • Snow
  • Moonlight







