Extended QuickDraw Mag (AR, DMR, S12K)
Icon attach Magazine ExtendedQuickDraw Large
Attachable Weapons
AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, Groza, AUG A3, SLR, SKS, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, ACE32
-30.00% Reload Duration
+ Reload speed
+ Magazine capacity

The Extended QuickDraw Mag for AR, DMR, S12K is a magazine type attachment in BATTLEGROUNDS.


This attachment expands the magazine capacity of the weapon it is attached to, as well as decreasing the time required to reload it, allowing an overall greater amount of firepower.

Assault Rifles/Shotguns Default Capacity Extended Capacity
Icon weapon ACE32 ACE32 30 40/42
AKM AKM 30 40
Icon weapon AUG A3 AUG A3 30 40
Icon weapon M762 Beryl M762 30 40
Icon weapon DBS DBS 14
Icon weapon G36C G36C 30 40
Icon weapon Groza Groza 30 40
Icon weapon K2 K2
Icon weapon M16A4 M16A4 30 40
Icon weapon HK416 M416 30 40
Icon weapon Mk47Mutant Mk47 Mutant 20 30
Icon weapon QBZ95 QBZ95 30 40
Icon weapon Saiga12 S12K 5 10
Icon weapon SCAR-L SCAR-L 30 40
Designated Marksman Rifles Default Capacity Extended Capacity
Icon weapon Mini14 Mini 14 20 30
Icon weapon Mk12 Mk12 20 30
Icon weapon Mk14 Mk14 EBR 10 22
Icon weapon QBU88 QBU 10 20
Icon weapon SKS SKS 10 20
Icon weapon SLR SLR 10 20
Icon weapon VSS VSS Vintorez 10 20

Update History[]

Update #12 - v3.8.21.9
  • DMRs now use AR attachments (magazines, compensators, etc) along with SR attachments.


  • The inventory icon and world model for this item is based on the Magpul 40 Round Window PMAG with a Ranger Plate affixed to the bottom, although Magpul never released the 40 Round Window PMAG for sale to the general public.

